
Hi, I’m Diana Gasçon, an independent referral agent working in the advertising industry… just a gal from Miami dancing with Google for a living  (~˘▾˘)~ lol !

At a very young age my grandmother Aura Maria introduced me to Eastern meditation principles. She was an amazing woman. Way ahead of her time. Under her guidance I began to understand something of the sustaining power of this wonderful teaching. It was through her that I came into contact with ‘The Silva Method of Self Mind Control’, the first Self Improvement course that harnessed the power of the subconscious mind.

To make a long story short, when I first came across The Gabriel Method I thought… ‘I need to promote this program’! It was just something that came naturally to me… Today, I promote The Gabriel Method in two languages, English and Spanish.

If you find yourself struggling with weight loss and you are completely overwhelmed by too much conflicting and confusing information/mis·in·for·ma·tion you have just landed at the right place because by the time you’re finished reading these articles, you will be ready to take a more holistic approach to health, weight loss, and your life in general!

The Gabriel Method is actually an approach to life encompassing diet, lifestyle and mindset to achieve maximum well-being. Socrates (4th century BC) warned against treating only one part of the body “for the part can never be well unless the whole is well.”

Using the Gabriel method you can easily create the results of Gastric Bypass Surgery ‘in your mind’ after addressing the habits that cause you to overeat… Now, how great is that!

So lets get started…

Welcome to my site! Enjoy your stay…