Non-Diet, Mind-Body Approach to Sustainable Weight Loss

Lose Weight Without Extreme Diets and Strenuous Exercise

The Gabriel Method is one of the most controversial diet/weight loss guides out there… Not only it reveals that you are completely in control of your metabolism but it openly contradicts everything you’ve been told before…

 Non-Diet Mind-Body Approach to Sustainable Weight Loss – The Gabriel Method


Going on diets/ crash diets (less than 1,200 calories a day) is detrimental for your metabolism. Dieting and calorie restriction cause your body to enter starvation mode, meaning your body decreases its metabolism and wants to gain weight and hold on to weight as a form of protection against starvation


                 Using his ‘non-diet’ approach to weight loss,  Jon Gabriel (a Biochemical Researcher)                       managed to lose over 220 pounds and is now Leading by Example

Discover how to lose weight without dieting and how to achieve weight loss without starving, exercise plans, pills or surgery. Reprogram your mind and body to WANT to be slim. The result is you melt off fat and keep it off permanently.

If you’re constantly exercising, dieting (starving your body into survival mode) your metabolism is always playing catch up leaving your body in a constant state of shock…  your digestive processes are compromised, so you are unable to effectively extract the nutrients from the foods you are eating.

Digestion problems cause inflammation and the inflammatory hormones lead to constant cravings and put your body into chronic fat storage mode/ starvation mode. It turns out the body uses fat cells to store excess toxins so the more toxins you eat the more fat you produce.

There are so many misconceptions about Starvation Mode. Does it even exist? What does it mean? How can you avoid it? Check it out (Subtitles in Spanish)

According to Jon Gabriel and The Gabriel Method, when you’re not eating enough nutrients your body forces you to gain weight through the same mechanism that – if you’re not breathing enough or sleeping enough – your body is going to force you to breathe or sleep. This happens when specific circumstances in life (times of famine, stress, or during pregnancy) cause specific hormonal changes that make the body gain or retain fat. He calls these the FAT programs. So, if obesity is caused by starvation the answer isn’t to subtract, but it’s actually to add… That is, add the nutrient rich foods your body’s starving for…

Quoting Jon Gabriel…

“The Gabriel Method is about adding. I want to help you flood your life with great food and positivity, and let the negativity just drop away on its own”, says Jon Gabriel… Dieting is about removing things from your life, about restriction and deprivation. Does that sound positive or negative to you? Think about it…

How to Regain Ability to Burn Fat


Nutritional Starvation and Right Food

  Jon Gabriel’s Take on Intermittent Fasting

There’s a lot of controversy about intermittent fasting these days. There’s a lot of conflicting information around this subject. Is intermittent fasting really good for weight loss? Here’s the thing, if you’re experiencing chronic hunger every time you don’t eat for long periods of time, intermittent fasting will just work against you.

Now, Jon Gabriel’s take on this is that if you can do intermittent fasting without feeling hungry during that period of time that you’re not eating, usually between fifteen to eighteen hours a day, then it is actually it will work. This is because when you go through long periods of not eating, eventually, you get to the point where insulin levels are low enough that your body can start producing other hormones that would enable you to lose weight. 

But, if you’re feeling hungry, then the hunger is going to cause a low-grade stress which can elevate your cortisol levels. Once this happens, the elevated cortisol levels will cause insulin resistance. This is the condition of our body where our insulin levels are always elevated which in turn makes you lose your ability to burn fat.

This makes sense because new research suggests that intermittent fasting may raise insulin levels, damage pancreatic cells, and increase the amount of abdominal fat. Intermittent fasting may be a popular diet, but it may also harm our metabolic health, suggests a new study. May 20, 2018 – Check it out


But things get more complicated, new research suggests that intermittent fasting may raise insulin levels, damage pancreatic cells, and increase the amount of abdominal fat. Intermittent fasting may be a popular diet, but it may also harm our metabolic health, suggests a new study. May 20, 2018 – Check it out

The Gabriel Method is turning the Diet Industry on it’s ear…

“Cracking The Code on The Root Cause of Weight Gain”

Changing people’s behavior, one step at a time, is the only way forward to stop the ‘GLobesity‘ epidemic…

If you have tried to diet and failed, or succeeded only to put the weight back on, I highly recommend you read about Jon Gabriel HERE. His ‘anti-diet’ ideas about the emotional reasons why you may struggle to lose weight are truly enlightening…

You will learn the hidden EMOTIONAL causes of weight gain, reasons for sudden weight gain, unexpected causes of weight gain, emotions and weight gain, stress and weight gain, depression and weight gain, weight gain after trauma, psychological weight gain, weight gain after divorce …

 Want to learn more? Check out my complete review here


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Start Your Transformation 4-Disk DVD Box Set

A live workshop with Jon Gabriel (DVD)

Join Jon Gabriel for a powerful video training series. Program created at one of Jon’s sold-out, live training events. Takes you deep into the fundamental principles of The Gabriel Method. This inspired workshop will show you how to put The Gabriel Method approach into action in your own life right away.

Discover this Non-Diet, Mind-Body Approach to Weight Loss – The Gabriel Method.

No Pain, All Gain! – 360 day money back guarantee!

If you feel this program is a good fit for what you’re looking for, then as with all diets, do your own due diligence and consult your medical practitioner before making lifestyle changes

 Non-Diet Mind-Body Approach to Sustainable Weight Loss – The Gabriel Method